Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Story of My Life

After listening to the song "The Butterfly" numerous times (finally memorized after 2 days of nonstop repeat), I decided to purchase the actual cast recording of the musical The Story of My Life. The insert expresses that there are all kinds of musicals surrounding loves of many types, whether it be tragic, comedic, long lost, and even betrayal. However, not many musicals surround just the love between 2 good friends. And this show attempts to fill in that hole a little.

The story revolves around 2 characters, Tom and Alvin. Tom is a best-selling novelist and Alvin is his childhood friend that inherits his father's bookstore. Tom is attempting to write a eulogy for Alvin and soon the realization of how the 2 grew up, became friends, and how Alvin affected his Tom's writing career begins to bring out the regret of allowing this friendship to fall apart.

The music is as personal as the story itself. No big orchestrations, no huge sound effects. It's very honest and timeless. It also helps that the musical makes references to It's a Wonderful Life (which I would rank as my all-time favorite film), so I'm already hooked. I'm hoping that Mr. Feeny at some point listens to the recording because I'd like to see what he thinks of it. Not really the classic musical by any means, but I think he'll take to it.

I'm also thinking this would be a good show to do (directing or acting). It's abstract enough for my taste in directing and it is musically and dramatically challenging and interesting that actually auditioning for this show would be fun too. Stupid med school doesn't allow for theatre though...I will keep this one on the back burner for a long while though.

For those of you who care to, check it out. Good show, good story, good message.

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