Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Expectations and meeting them

Was thinking about going to pans today for some wine and thinking. Hard to do sometimes. Etoh helps when trying to let loose not to mention do some destructive damage to your body when you want to. However I will do it this weekend. I expect to be totally trashed.

Been in a funk lately. [not really sure if anybody is reading these posts to begin with. Hehe...] I know that I haven't posted in awhile. Been a bad boy lately.

So...I got what I expected out of school. Didn't get through second year and I selected to retake it instead of going through remediation. I figured that would the best thing. And I thought that I would feel good about the decision. Was actually feeling okay with it. But for some reason the shame and embaressment came crashing down on me the last few days. I have been moody and depressed. Haven't felt this way since back in college.

Well. I expected these consequences. It is what happens when you dont care about what you are studying and dont study. What do I expect from my future? I have no real clue. I keep telling myself that most people haven't a clue, but I feel like I say that just to make myself feel better. I wish I had a clue. I wish I had desire and determination. But I don't. In continuing with the theme of my blog, my sequence is either still diverging or I don't like what it is converging to. And that sucks.

I am disappointed with myself. I feel like taking it out on myself. I feel like breaking things. And when I continue to think about it, I know that I never will. Partly because I haven't the guts for it and partly because I know better than to.

I have had moments where I wanted to drink etoh but never really did follow through. I will follow through this time. Maybe I will have a few friends come over and make sure I don't hurt myself too badly. Because I want to.

Location:Plyos house

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