Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the procrastinated new years post....

So I think I've procrastinated enough on this "New Year's" post. As I've said before (and I'm sure that some people already know), I'm not really a New Year's kinda guy. It and my birthday are generally the 2 days that I sit back and ponder about the year before and the year ahead. Granted, there were a lot of things that I really like about this last year, more specifically the latter 6 months. I made some really good friends, rekindled others, was part of a fantastic play, and I'd like to think that I made some decent choices. Not the best by all means, but nobody's perfect. However, I'd say that I've been disappointed with a lot of other things. I still haven't really found any drive or love in this so called career of medicine that I'm pursuing, and I still don't enjoy the subject matter, but I've come to terms with my situation. Good things require sacrifice. My good friend Mr. Feeny is realizing that in these last few weeks. And although I may not like what I'm doing now, I have an obligation to myself to follow it through. I'm hoping that that will be drive enough.

Speaking of Mr. Feeny [I'm sure that he will enjoy the fact that I'm making a comment about him in my post], the man has decided that it's time to move from small town Oklahoma to a town closer to home. Granted, I've only known him for about 6 months, but in that short time span, I'd like to think that we became good friends. Even sitting here thinking about it, it's hard not to just smile and remember things like the small IHOP trip where we began the ITW-IHOP version, or the frigid soccer game, or the fake-make-out session in Dallas [TMI?], or the insane amounts of singing in between. I would be lying if I said that it doesn't hurt to see him leave Enid, but that's just my selfish nature and my tendency for things not to change. I am happy for his happiness. It has been good times, and he will be sorely missed. I hope (and know) that Mr. Feeny will be happy and successful in his future endeavors.

To Mr. Feeny [raising my glass]

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