Friday, December 31, 2010


So I have drunken a few and am going to put down a few thoughts before the new year comes. As many may know, I usually don't like new years because of the whole looking back on the year and self evaluation that I usually do. However, I think this year I am going to think differently. I usually get depressed at these times (my birthday and new years) because of the short comings that have happened thoughout the past few months. Yes, they can be depressing, but instead of the cynical views that I have previously used, I think that this year, I will try something different. Yes, I have had my shortcomings. And yes, I have done things that I have either regretted or knew that I have should have done better. And that is what the contemplation usually is about. And it is depressing and self deprecating. This year, I will try to view it as a new chance to be the best that I can be. I know that I won't be perfect and I know that I won't accomplish everything that I hope, but merely knowing that there is always another day, another year, the rest of my life, I need not think about being the most perfect person, but I need to think that I need to try everyday to do what I can to be the happiest that I can. That's all that I can do under things that I have no control over. Yes, I can study harder. Yes, I can choose different paths, but I need to make sure that the path I choose will provide me with happiness, not only in the future, but in the present too. Regardless of how much I resent my current state, I do find happiness in succeeding in challenges that I face, and that reminder will help me face the challenges that my future holds. And hopefully knowing that I can accomplish these challenges and that the support i have from the friends and family around me will help me (Chelsea says hi), I will be happy. So here is to not looking back but to looking forward. Happy new year! Teehee

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Nathan and jassie's party